Safety for the People of Tigard


Fellow Oregonians: “No-One should have to move away to be safe” Safety requires that enough Police be available to protect your property. Property includes what you may own, the money you may have, [...]

Safety for the People of Tigard2024-07-10T23:26:02+00:00

Protect the People from Government


Fellow Oregonians: The theme of “Protect the People from the Government” has been a success. When asked “Why are you running?”, simply pointing this out as a goal, if not the reason for [...]

Protect the People from Government2024-07-10T23:14:40+00:00

30 Year Tigard Resident and Business Man Runs for the 25th District of the Oregon House of Representatives Tigard-Metzger-Beaverton


Fellow Oregonians: “Half the job of a Legislator is to protect the People from the Government” The safety of Tigard and protecting our economic future are my highest priorities. Does Tigard want a [...]

30 Year Tigard Resident and Business Man Runs for the 25th District of the Oregon House of Representatives Tigard-Metzger-Beaverton2024-07-10T23:13:56+00:00

Electoral College of the Counties


Fellow Oregonians: Our Founding Fathers created a system that would prevent small, highly populated areas of the United States of America from turning themselves into something very much like King George and the [...]

Electoral College of the Counties2024-07-10T23:05:05+00:00

Dedicated Tax Revenue System


Fellow Oregonians: Oregon should be limited to three types or sources of revenues for spending on government services. Income taxes Property taxes Dedicated taxes Oregon should be limited to two types of spending. [...]

Dedicated Tax Revenue System2024-07-10T23:00:34+00:00

Independence Contractors for Oregon


Fellow Oregonians: We-The-People need “Independence Contractors”! Abraham Lincoln said in the conclusion of the Gettysburg Address;  “that we here highly resolve these dead shall not have died in vain; that the nation, shall [...]

Independence Contractors for Oregon2024-07-10T22:58:51+00:00

We need the Judicial Branch of Government on the People’s side


Fellow Oregonians: Abraham Lincoln said in the conclusion of the Gettysburg Address;  “that we here highly resolve these dead shall not have died in vain; that the nation, shall have a new birth [...]

We need the Judicial Branch of Government on the People’s side2024-07-10T22:57:42+00:00

Stop Unusual and Excessive Taxation


Fellow Oregonians: Stop Toll Roads; Most People do not know that We already pay for Oregon’s roads at the pump. As of January 1, 2024, We will pay 40¢ State and 18¢ Federal [...]

Stop Unusual and Excessive Taxation2024-07-10T22:54:13+00:00

School Choice with Vouchers


Fellow Oregonians: Public Education in Oregon has been destroyed. We must use a Voucher system that will allow Parents to decide the type and quality of education they want for their children. Vouchers [...]

School Choice with Vouchers2024-07-10T22:52:14+00:00

Election Integrity


Fellow Oregonians: The Republican Party has placed Election Integrity as the “Number 1” plank on the Republican Party Platform. Nothing really matters if the People of this State do not have honest elections. [...]

Election Integrity2024-07-10T22:50:54+00:00
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