Bob Niemeyer for District 35 House of Representatives for the state of Oregon
Fellow Oregonians:

The Phoenix Project is nothing more than the rewriting of Oregon Constitution. The simple reason for this project is that over the last 165 years, our Constitution has not been addressing, if not outright allowing for massive opportunities for corruption, wasteful spending, and the misuse of authority to control the populous rather than promoting Freedom, Liberty, and Property rights, just to name a few.

Abraham Lincoln eloquently said that our government is “Of-By-and-For the People”. However, We must understand that the government does NOT “work” for the People, the government works for the People we elect and are subsequently appointed to office.

This Constitution is designed to remove the opportunities for corruption and bloated government that have plagued the People of Oregon since about 1965 when the government started to find ways to convince our Elected and Appointed office holders to represent the government instead of People.

A secondary reason to create a Constitution is to address the Counties that have been trying to join or move to Idaho. This can only be done via both State Legislatures agreeing to do so. The odds of this, in my opinion are next to zero. This Constitution could be used to form a new State of Eastern Oregon, form the Sate of Jefferson (I refer the name Humboldt) that was first started in 1910, or perhaps combine Eastern Washington with Eastern Oregon to form a State named Cascadia.

Your inputs and mark-ups are welcome.