There are several truths that have become self-evident since the founding of the State of Oregon. Chief among these are that the laws and responsibilities, set forth in the State Constitution for the Government, have become nothing more than an easily avoided obstacle for corruption, misuse of authority, and power without responsibility.

State Government is no longer “Of the People, by the People, and for the People.” Since 1859, many amendments to the Constitution of Oregon have left to many opportunities for those that have been able to twist the meaning for their own benefit and tyranny. The recent history of repeated injuries, usurpations, and Despotism are establishing a fear of the Government that the People of Oregon do not deserve or have honestly voted for.

Corruption is now a way of life for the Oregon government. There is not one activity now being undertaken by Oregon’s government that does not have some form of corruption associated with the services that Oregon is supposed to provide. The list ranging from education to roads to healthcare to homelessness is immense. With all of the corruption being completely dependent on election fraud via the mail in ballot system.

The “mail in balloting system” has been turned into a sacred tool for corruption. A tool to support and maintain the fleecing of the taxpayers that has turned government responsibilities into personal profit and power. No issue beyond Election Integrity can be redressed until the government is forced, once again, to listen to the People through honest elections.

Further, the current Constitution has be confounded is ways that will take years, if not entire lifetimes, to correct. Re-Founding of the State of Oregon has become the only option to return to a responsible government. To that end, We-The-People offer a new Oregon State Constitution designed to give back power over our government to the People. This the Right of the People as written is the Bill of Rights of the current Constitution of the State of Oregon.

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence and the Truth, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.