Article 7:

Suffrage, Election Integrity

Section 1: Voting in State of Oregon.

  1.  Voting shall be on Tuesdays as prescribed by law.
    1.  The previous Monday shall be defined as a day for voters that need assistance.
    2. Only voters that need assistance to get to the Polls and need assistance in filling out a ballot shall be allowed to vote on the prior Monday. The People that provided assistance in getting the voter to the poll will also be allowed to vote should they also vote in the same precinct.
    3. Anybody may vote at the County seat for a maximum of 10 working days prior to the election day.
      1. Votes cast at the County seat are irrevocable.
    4. Any voter that votes at the County Seat and votes at their precinct shall be guilty of the felony as prescribed by law.

Section 2: All voters shall be required to obtain a Photographic Identification.

  1. The Photo Identification shall be obtained at Oregon’s Department of Motor Vehicles.
    1. A photographic Identification and birth certificate shall be required to register as a voter.
    2. All photos shall be stored at the County seats and will be made available for the purpose of cross referencing to State records to verify eligibility. The last day that a voter may register is 22 working days before the Election Day. No exceptions shall be made by law.

Section 3: All voters shall receive a voter identification card with picture identification on the card and be issued a voter identification number. The voter identification number will be for that voter only and shall not be reused in perpetuity.

Section 4: The State shall not collect fees, taxes, revenues, or any form of compensation for voter registration or for voting in any way, shape, or form.

Section 5: All ballots shall be printed at the voting precincts on the day of voting and shall be printed in the presence of the voter. No electronic, mechanical, or electrical means for counting ballots shall be allowed, except for devices that can count and tally the printed ballots at the precincts. The count of ballots may be challenged at the precincts where a physical count and tally is made.

Section 6: All ballots shall be physically transferred to the County Seat for recounts and safe keeping for a period of three years

  1. All ballots shall be transported to the County Seat by Uniformed Police.
  2. The US Postal service shall be the only exception to deliver military ballots to County Seats.

Section 7: The election shall be certified by the Secretary of State and published.