Bob Niemeyer for District 35 House of Representatives for the state of Oregon
Fellow Oregonians:

Public Education in Oregon has been destroyed. We must use a Voucher system that will allow Parents to decide the type and quality of education they want for their children. Vouchers for School Choice, special needs, and Charter Schools are clearly what the People want.

My concept for a Voucher system is that it would actually be a “Variable Voucher System”. The value of the Voucher would change depending on such things as special needs. If a student has special education requirement, the voucher would be increased in value to allow for that student to go to special needs schools.

The Variable Voucher System would also follow students that advance more quickly in school. If a student is above average, the voucher could increase to allow that student to go to higher forms of education.

A Voucher system would also allow for students to go to schools that use different teaching techniques. i.e. Phonics to teach reading and writing. Personally, my parents had to send me to a tutor to get me to learn how to read. That tutor used Phonics to get me to go from seeing letters that had no meaning to reading with comprehension at a college level in about five months.

Also, as part of teaching from Charter or any other form of schools, testing must be brought back to show student progress.